Booyah Advertising

Booyah Online Advertising, Marketing Director (April 2011 – July 2012)

When I moved to Denver, I worked as a Marketing Director at Booyah Advertising, a digital marketing agency with expertise in paid search, paid social, video, SEO, and Amazon. I produced a Mad Men inspired website that required integrated production skills.

I produced the website production, a dozen photo shoots, case studies and wrote the website copy. The creative was meant to be funny and anachronistic showing analogue technology in the background of digital professionals. The photographer, Crystal Allen, did a great job of treating the photos to give that 1940s look and feel.

Additionally, I submitted the case studies for various awards, many of which won! I also did a couple of trade shows during my time at Booyah, some of which required cosplay yet again. One time, we dressed up Western-style and offered shots of Moonshine while discussing search and SEO!

I also produced the company holiday party where we got to dance to a great DJ and let loose!

During this time, I also became a certified yoga teacher (RYT-200) and started teaching my colleagues during lunch and at Bally Total Fitness after work. The photos below were taken in my office building.


Camas Wellness Festival

