Montana Artists Agency
I worked for Montana Artists Agency as a Below-the-Line Agent from 2001 - 2004. I provided representation for Directors of Photography, Production Designers, Costume Designers, Stylists, Editors and Make-Up artists on commercials and music videos.
In the early 2000’s, talent reels were on 3/4” and VHS tapes and were messengered all over town for consideration on upcoming projects. I evangelized the revolution from 3/4” to DVD and was an early adopter of using the web to produce and promote work.
To promote my clients, I visited them on set and took behind-the-scenes photos. Below is one of my favorite spots Terry Tate, Office Linebacker by Reebok Production Designed by Fred Andrews and the OutKast“Hey Ya!” Music Video, for which Production Designer, Eric Beauchamp won an MVPA Award.
I hosted parties, attended industry parties, volunteered for the Music Video Production Association (MVPA) and the Association of Independent Commercial Producers (AICP). I carried a film camera everywhere I went, and had the photos “burned” onto a CD ROM to use in email marketing campaigns.
I built a custom CRM system using FileMaker Pro and created mailing lists in Outlook. I convinced my boss to subscribe to an Email marketing SaaS platform, and started sending out monthly newsletters.
Lastly, I represented a web developer & graphic designer who built websites and authored DVDs for my clients.
“Erika is smart, persistent, funny and innovative, always questioning the status quo and asking isn’t there a better way to do this? To make that happen? A rising business star and a continually growing human being who sincerely cares about all people as well as all other living organisms on the planet. Watch her go!”